
Regrets are looked upon as rear view mirrors in life. They provide us with the view of the traffic behind to help us move forward. But sometimes regrets come a bit too late in life for them to provide us with a sense of going back and doing things right or even put things right in the present. The window of opportunity is lost by the time we realise what has been lost. I just kept on wishing … I wish I had called more often, I wish I had stayed over that day.. I wish I had spent more time with her.

To everybody, life is uncertain, take time out; call and meet friends and family.

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2 thoughts on “Regrets…

  1. Btw, what was this about?

    • Ashima

      I lost someone and only then I realized that I didn’t spend enough time with her, always thinking I’ll visit her some other time. But I didn’t get a second chance.

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